Showing posts with label #fyp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #fyp. Show all posts

Sunday, January 23, 2022

What About Us...Really?

Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if there all or most of the Men in the entire world, suddenly vanished...? What would all of the Women of the world do knowing that there are, literally no Men in the world of any type, color, physique, height, shape...nothing, not one human male species available at all! 

What would Women do?

For decades, Women have been saying to us, Men...:
So, my question still remains...what would they do? 

God made Man and Woman to be equal in any type of relationship but the Man is the head, not the Boss over the Woman. BUT...the Woman is not Boss over the Man either. Both of them were given different gifts and responsibilities to help one another and to support one another. And that is only the tip of the iceberg! 
I dunno...we Humans, seem to always twist up everything that God has ordained and even told us what WILL happen if we disobeyed! He had it all set up! All we had to do is just follow directions, do our individually appointed jobs, eat all of ther fruit from the trees(except 1 particular tree!), live free and naked, and be happy...BUT NOOO! We had to do the one thing that God specifically commanded us not to do because some of some snake wanted to tell us the very opposite of what God said and actually told  what will happen when we do. But we all know the outcome of that story, right!?

If anyone can find out the answer to my question, that would be great! Do whatever analysis, data, hypothetical situational theory, or whatever any of the scholars can come up with. 

But I know one thing though...this would be a boring world, at best.

Friday, January 21, 2022


Today, on the 20th of January, I got home from work early because I was being laid off for about a week. As I came in to get settled for the afternoon, I decided to use the opportunity to talk to Joe about his job search. Of course, it started off as me talking to him in a normal mono toned voice and, of course, he flared up as if I was coming down on him or putting him down. 

There are times, in a young man's life where he is trying to figure out what he is going to do with his life and it doesn't help when someone in a position of authority to question his efforts or initiative on his ponderings...

Anyways, Joe flared up! 

I continued to talk to him and tell him how much I admire his intellect and smarts. I reminded him that he is a bright young man that have yet to discover his full potential within himself...for himself. He continued to be rejective and solidifying his "wall of protection" against what I was saying to him. I felt myself getting frustrated but I kept my cool and stayed within my zone. After a few moments of exchanging words to get Joe to see where I am coming from but at the same time, understanding where he is coming from as well, I stopped talking to study my lesson for the evening bible study that is scheduled later that evening...When I was done with the studying, I really emphasized how much he has going for him..."there's a whole world out there" I said, "just waiting for you to take it on!

I, personally. would love to be able to witness this young and strong black man take on the world by its throat and twist! 

Then, I will know that he would be alright!

Monday, October 25, 2021

It's Been Awhile...It's 2021-October!

"Most people that have started with you will not likely to end up with you...!"
I have heard this statement only a few times but for some reason, it stuck with me. I am at a point in my life that I am really ready to be happy. I mean happy in everything that I am into, outo, onto, and off-to! After years of working to make money just to get ahead, I realized that's all I was doing...getting ahead, but only to end up falling behind many times over. Now I finally get it! I've read blogs, watched videos, studied articles about being happy; meditated, prayed, learning more about myself thru the Scriptures, and really strengthening my bond with the Almighty!
I finally get it!
On the flipside though, I wished that I got it sooner in my life, then I could have established a more solidified foundation for myself. Whether it be financially, physically, mentally, psychologically, whatever, I get it!
It's weird that that things that I know now, I know them NOW! But now, I don't even have to means to even establish what I know "NOW"! So, what now...? Well, so far, within the past year of COVID 19(we are still in a pandemic!), I decided to start my own biz...Imagine That! I decided to put my doodling skills to work and even upgrade my abilities of doodling and drawing into Canvas Art (that's the passion part), but my biz is Graphic Art and Design. I have always to go on polishing my graphics to be something that someone will be willing to buy. As I learn more about graphics, video editing, photo editing, and everything in between...I realized that I like doing this...! To be about to change the dynamics of a photo, or editing a video by adding effects and music and altering the colors...this is exciting to me and I thank the Almighty for giving me the gifts and talents. I would not be me if I didn't get gifted with these types of gifts.
All Praises to the Almighty God!!
I said all of that to say this...not everybody will see nor believe the vision that God has gifted you with. They will only pull you back, put you down, or give you a bunch of hell about what you have benn gifted and privileged to take on.
BUT...every now and then, God allows you to meet people that has dreams of their own and to be able to exchange ideas and visions with people that may be dealing with the same type of trifling people that seem to have not open themdelves up to their vision and gifts. Well, that's their problem! >
But don't let your issues bring down my dreams...DreamKilla!>
Welp, that's all I have...gotta go and turn in!

#WhoUGot: Hillary vs Whitney

#WhoUGot: James vs Uncle Phil

#WhoUGot: Florence vs Aunt Esther

#WhoUGot: Fred vs George